Asbestos insulating board (AIB)
Broken sheets of AIB revealing asbestos fibres illegally put in a skip

Asbestos insulating board (AIB)
AIB panel adjacent to window

Asbestos insulating board (AIB)
AIB white soffit panels to underside of roof eaves

Asbestos cement products
Asbestos cement roof tiles

Asbestos cement products
Asbestos cement undercloak beneath roof overhang

Asbestos cement products
Asbestos cement downpipe and damaged asbestos panelling on roof

Floor coverings
Asbestos vinyl floor tiles

Floor coverings
Asbestos bitumen adhesive used to stick floor tiles down

Floor coverings
Asbestos paper backed floor covering

Floor coverings
Composite (magnesium oxychloride) floor applied as a screed. Stair nosings can also contain asbestos

Textured decorative coatings
Asbestos textured decorative coating

Textured decorative coatings
Asbestos textured decorative coating on AIB ceiling panels

Asbestos textiles and gaskets
Amosite asbestos rope packing beneath riser door frame

Asbestos textiles and gaskets
Asbestos rope seal on drying oven

Asbestos textiles and gaskets
Electrical switch with asbestos string

Asbestos textiles and gaskets
Asbestos gasket

Thermal insulation (lagging)
Damaged pipe lagging

Thermal insulation (lagging)
Damaged pipe insulation covered with calico and painted

Thermal insulation (lagging)
Damaged lagging on boiler

Thermal insulation (lagging)
Lagging ‘splash’ on wall of boiler room

Sprayed asbestos coatings
Sprayed coating applied to underside of joist above suspended ceiling

Sprayed asbestos coatings
Sprayed coating containing asbestos to structural metal installations

Sprayed asbestos coatings
Sprayed asbestos on car park roof

Sprayed asbestos coatings
Sprayed coating that has partially delaminated from concrete

Loose asbestos cavity insulation
Loose-fill asbestos

Loose asbestos cavity insulation
Loose-fill blue asbestos under floorboards

Loose asbestos cavity insulation
Loose-fill blue asbestos in wall cavity drilled out whilst fitting a radiator

Loose asbestos cavity insulation
Release of loose-fill asbestos fibres